Friday, January 24, 2014

Informationally Modified Awareness

The headline read: PURPLE TOMATOES HEADING FOR SHOPS.  According to the report, "Their dark pigment is intended to give tomatoes the same potential health benefits as fruit such as blueberries. … The pigment, known as anthocyanin, is an antioxidant which studies on animals show could help fight cancer."

The report is a good example of how mind control works in the Global Corporate State.  To see how, we must step back and do something that will soon be illegal: remember.

"The new tomatoes could improve the nutritional value of everyday foods"
[BBC Caption]

Thousands of minutes ago, back in December 2013, there appeared a report in the mudia-sphere on how "VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS DO NO GOOD, RESEARCH SHOWS."  We chipsters are given to popping supplements on a more or less regular basis and so we were curious what the research actually showed.

As it turns out (reading the actual report), the research showed the doses of supplements did "no good" at reversing the condition of a 69 year old diabetic.  This, under the inimitable stupidity of journalists, got truncated into "does no good" … the inference being, "at all."

The inaccurate story popped up in a variety of sources around the world, so that if someone wanted to malign supplements this was the way to go about it.  Well…  journalists, as we said, are stupid and this is particularly the case with mainstream "responsibilized" journalists.

However about two weeks later, the other side of the coin got turned up.  Headlines blared: SUPPLEMENTS RISK FATAL LIVER FAILURE.  Wow! Now that is scary.  There is a big difference between doing something that does no good and doing something that will kill you.  And, needless to say, the report reported very grim details about another grossly overweight diabetic, former alcoholic who took hyper-mega doses of some weird vitamin that killed him.

Nevertheless, in an abundance of caution we asked our doctor if the typical doses of multi-vita, beta-50, calcium, this and that could kill us.  "No," he said, "but they won't do any good."  "You sound like a doctor from the Fifties," we replied. He laughed, "Yes, odd that." The latest research, he repeated, found no evidence that supplements do any good.

We were not entirely convinced.  The two stories together certainly plotted the trajectory of an anti-supplement campaign, if there were one.  In fact, we do know that the U.S. FDA has been champing at the bit to "regulate" supplements; translation: to make them another "nexus" for medico-corporate profit and control.

So, we filed the Issue under "Pending Alerts" or "Inactively Remembered."

Now comes the BBC story about purple tomatoes.  Why are these especially good and desirable?  The report tell us because the contain "anti-oxidants." 

But wait!  But wait!  Aren't "anti-oxidants" the thing that vitamins and supplements are supposed to contain?  How can they "do no good" and at the same time "help fight cancer" ?

Marmosets Muddled.

The article continued: "The tomatoes are part of a new generation of GM plants designed to appeal to consumers.     ….   Canadian regulations are seen as more supportive of GM and that led to a deal with an Ontario company, …

According to a one Prof. Martin, the Canadians "look at the trait, not the technology, and that should be a way we start changing our thinking - asking if what you're doing is safe and beneficial, not: 'Is it GM and therefore we're going to reject it completely'.  … I hope this will serve as a vanguard product where people can have access to something that is GM but has benefits for them."

A "vanguard product" to "change our thinking"… you know, the way Wonder Bread changed the way we thought about worthless fluff.   Of course, Professor Martin has already changed his thinking, so what he really means is that the Purple Tomato is here to change your way of thinking.

And your way of thinking is not to wonder how the "new tomatoes"  could manage to improve the nutritional value of melons, pork, rice  milk and other "foods."

So listen up all you unmodified dolts:  Supplements are No Good-Killers and "antioxidant  enhanced" purple tomatoes are Helpful in Curing Cancer.  Do the Right Thing for your body!

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